Dietary and lifestyle
The treatment of reflux should be tailored to every patient individually. Everyone is different, as so should be their treatment
Once we have established the cause of your symptoms, we can get into the detail of your treatment options. It's likely that you will have researched some or all of the treatments available to you.
Enquire about our TreatmentsThe treatment of reflux should be tailored to every patient individually. Everyone is different, as so should be their treatment
The procedure that is transforming reflux surgery and bringing immediate and long term relief to tens of thousands of people
The majority of GERD sufferers who have sought advice from a clinician will be suggested certain medications, some of which are prescribed, in order to reduce their reflux symptoms.
The traditional surgical treatment for patients with severe reflux symptoms
The TIF® procedure, or Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication, is an alternative to surgery for some patients with reflux symptoms
RefluxStop™ is the latest development in anti-reflux surgery
This procedure is relatively novel in the UK, recommended for patients who experience significant GERD after having a gastric sleeve
The treatment of reflux should be tailored to every patient individually. Everyone’s symptoms are different, and their impact will different. For instance, occasional hoarseness for most people may be no more than irritating but for a singer professionally destructive. Perhaps too frequently doctors underestimate the impact that reflux can have on their patients’ wellbeing. Individuals wishes regarding long-term medication or willingness to consider surgery also differ and so there really is no one size fits all.
Ultimately GERD is caused by failure of the Lower Oesophageal Valve (LOS) to control reflux from the stomach into the oesophagus. All treatments aim to either reduce the factors that cause its failure (lifestyle changes and diet), reduce the effects of failure (medications) or repairing the valve itself (endoscopic or laparoscopic surgery).
In this short video Mr Nick Boyle, Medical Director at RefluxUK, talks about the procedures that are available to reflux patients.