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The LINX® Procedure

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"I am very pleased to be off all medication and not worry about having to avoid certain foods."

Please describe your symptoms before having treatment and approximately how long you experienced them for;

"They came on very suddenly in December 2017. I started to feel nauseous whenever I ate something. This meant I couldn’t cope at work, feeling sick all the time. After a few days off and very suppressed eating I felt better but still had a few other symptoms like a lump in my throat and the need to keep sipping water to clear it. Other symptoms include burning sensation in the back of my throat, heartburn, excess mucus, and indigestion. All of these caused a loss of appetite. I went from 95kg to 78kg in a couple of months. My GP prescribed acid suppressants which improved my symptoms but I was referred to a consultant gastroenterologist for future tests."

How did you find out about RefluxUK?

"I was referred to Mr Boyle by the consultant from West Kent Gastro. After an endoscopy I discovered my oesophageal junction wasn’t closing properly and I had a hiatus hernia. These two things were the cause of my symptoms."

What was your experience on the consultation?

"The initial consultation was very brief, two options of surgery or I stay on medication. However, further tests were required before I could make a decision about the surgery. With information and advice provided, the LINX procedure appeared to be the best next step."

How did you find having the treatment?

"In and out of hospital in the same day, all of the team performing the procedure and hospital team were very friendly and informative about what was happening. I was asleep for a couple of hours then I just had to get over the effects of the general anaesthetic."

What happened in the days and weeks after the treatment?

"I woke up the next morning with a clear, dry throat for the first time in six months. Immediately noticed the benefit of the LINX. However, it took about three weeks before I started to feel myself again after the effects of the procedure. The general anesthetic and keyhole surgery was swift and tidy but my body needed time to recover. Moving around was difficult for the first week. Eating became difficult after two weeks, at its worst about six weeks. I had to be careful with what and how I ate, always sipping water."

How are you feeling now?

"Three months after the procedure and all reflux symptoms have stayed away. Eating has got easier but sometimes food still gets stuck if I’m not being careful. Bread has remained difficult if I try to eat too fast. This has taught me to slow down and enjoy my food. I’ve been able to have fizzy drinks and curry, two things that were a nightmare before. My stomach muscles can still be painful during exercise but not unbearable and I can feel pain in my diaphragm after running sometimes."

Would you recommend RefluxUK?

"Very pleased with the outcome of the surgery. Looking forward to my body getting completely over the procedure. However, acid reflux was immediately resolved. I would recommend RefluxUK to anyone experiencing the same issues as me."

Any other thoughts?

"The recovery has been hard, but following the advice given and reading about what to expect prevented this from being a bad experience. I am very pleased to be off all medication and not worry about having to avoid certain foods. I am, however, careful not to over-indulge on very acidic foods knowing this is better for me."