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Nick van Eede

The LINX® Procedure

nick van eede
Cutting Crew Singer Nick van Eede talks about how LINX® surgery prolonged his singing career
Nick van ede

In the video below, world famous composer and performer Nick van Eede talks about LINX® surgery and how it was able to treat his LPR

Nick’s surgery was done by Mr Nick Boyle, leading LINX surgeon and RefluxUK Medical Director. He commented:

'When I first met Nick (van Eede), like so many patients with “LPR” he was approaching his wit’s end. Singing is his life and the problems that he was having with his voice, which for most people would have posed no real problem, for him were potentially catastrophic for his career. Similarly, he had no heartburn or other typical symptoms of reflux and the first challenge, as always, was recognising the likely nature of the problem and having the right tests available to be confident that surgery would help.

We’re so delighted that Nick has done so well after his LINX surgery and that he’s been so generous in sharing his story. He’s become a great friend and hearing it again when we talked was fascinating; we always learn so much from listening to our patients. We hope that others with similar problems will find it equally interesting’

If you are experiencing the symptoms associated with LPR and would like to discuss your treatment options, please get in touch.