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Your Reflux Consultation

The critical first step in your treatment

two people on a video call

Your consultation is the gateway to understanding the cause of your symptoms and your treatment options. It is the critical first step in taking control of your reflux, and will be with a specialist doctor, usually a consultant surgeon. 

Reflux is a notoriously complex disease to diagnose, especially in people where the symptoms are present in the upper airways, often referred to as LPR/Silent Reflux, so input from a specialist who sees reflux patients regularly is crucial.

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In this short video Mr Nick Boyle, Medical Director at RefluxUK, talks about the consultation, what you can expect and how to get the most from your time with our consultant.

Who will I see?

You’ll be seen by one of our team of consultants. They are all experts in the treatment of reflux. You can read about our team here

How soon can I be seen?

We have clinics most days of the week so patients can usually be seen within 7 days.

How long does the consultation last?

The initial consultation will usually last for 20-30 minutes. There will occasionally be a need for follow up consultations, for example to review diagnostic test results. These are typically shorter (around 10-15 minutes) and the fee is lower.


Is it face to face, video or by phone?

The vast majority of consultations are done by zoom video. This works well because reflux consultations do not involve a physical examination. It also avoids the need for travel and or other expenses.


What happens at consultation?

At consultation we will listen to your reflux history and symptoms, and discuss the treatment you have had to date. The consultant will explain a treatment pathway that you can consider before deciding whether or not to proceed. For most patients the treatment plan is likely to include diagnostic testing in order to establish the cause of the symptoms you are experiencing. If you are exploring surgery, it is essential to identify that the cause is something that can be fixed surgically. All reflux surgery treats dysfunction at the lower oesophageal sphincter so we need to be sure this is contributing to the symptoms you are experiencing.


Do I need to prepare for it?

Yes, it's a good idea to do so. We will collect some information from you in advance that will be shared with your consultant. We also ask that you send any previous diagnostic results, for example your endoscopy report if you have had one. It’s also a good idea to prepare a list of any questions you’d like to ask. If you have had prior tests in the NHS, these are just as valid as any that have been done privately.


How much does the consultation cost?

The initial consultation costs £295. The shorter follow up consultations cost £195.


Will I get a report afterwards?

Yes, we send a clinic letter after your consultation summarising what was discussed and the next steps agreed.


Will I need more than one consultation?

It's possible, especially if you are undergoing diagnostic tests in advance of surgery. We encourage patients to see their consultant for a follow up once the recommended diagnostic tests have been completed.

Book a Consultation