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What Happens During a Gastroscopy?

A gastroscopy is the name of the procedure whereby a camera is sent down the throat in order for images of the stomach and other areas of interest to be viewed by the endoscopist. It is natural for there to be some nervousness or hesitation from patients ahead of the procedure but the preparation for a gastroscopy (also called an endoscopy) is very straightforward and we hope to answer any questions you may have in the following article.

medical equipment

First thing to clarify is the difference between gastroscopy and endoscopy, as you may have heard the terms used interchangeably in the past and are wondering if there is a difference between the two. To confirm a gastroscopy is the procedure used to view the oesophagus and upper GI, whereas an endoscopy is a more general term describing the same type of procedure but including viewing other parts of the body. So a gastroscopy is a type of endoscopy!

For a gastroscopy the patient will be asked to fast for at least 8 hours before the procedure. This is to ensure the stomach is empty so the endoscopist can get a really good view. When it comes to gastroscopy sedation, some patients have a mild sedative before the procedure starts however this means the patient will need to stay in hospital for a few hours and will not be allowed to drive home. If the patient is having a sedative, they will have a cannula (needle) placed in the vein on the back of one hand so the sedative can easily be administered.

The instrument used for this procedure is called an endoscope. It is a long, hollow flexible tube with a light and high-resolution camera on its end. It is about the same width as a medium marker pen. It can relay images of the inside of the body to a television screen so the endoscopist can check for issues, it can also take video and still pictures. Because the endoscope is hollow it is also possible to put instruments through it for collecting tissue (biopsy) or for treating some conditions.

At the start of the gastroscopy, the endoscope will be place in the mouth and gently pushed down the throat, with the patient being asked to help its progress by swallowing a few times. The sedative can really help here as this can be quite uncomfortable and it suppresses the gag reflux.

The endoscope will be passed down the oesophagus and into the stomach. The endoscopist will move the camera tip of the endoscope around looking at the stomach from all angles. They will also pass the endoscope through the bottom of the stomach and into the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine immediately beyond the stomach).

Once they’re happy with what they’ve seen they will gently withdraw the endoscope and the procedure is over. We're often asked how long does a gastroscopy take? It usually takes no more than 10 minutes in total.

Another question we're asked (understandably) is is a gastroscopy painful? There may be some discomfort associated with the procedure but it shouldn't be painful. Beyond that the patient doesn’t suffer any ill effects afterwards, they may just have a sore throat for a couple of days.

If you’ve been referred for a gastroscopy and are on a waiting list, whether you’re insured or wish to pay privately, please get in touch. RefluxUK can arrange your gastroscopy quickly at one of our dedicated centres. Or if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask.

learn more about gastroscopy