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New Paper on the LINX®️ procedure by RefluxUK and colleagues

RefluxUK and colleagues reported outcomes from 200 patients who underwent the LINX®️ procedure and followed up with them during a 5-year period.

LINX® device, showing equal size comparison to a ten pence piece

This is the largest study of its size and timespan in the UK and has been published in one of the world’s most respected scientific journals; Diseases of the Esopohagus.

Its results concur with other global studies and show the incredible benefits of the LINX®️ procedure in patients suffering from reflux between 18-80 years of age, with or without a hiatus hernia.

It found that patients with a GERD-HRQL and RSI score (validated, scientific ways of measuring classic GERD and LPR, respectively) were dramatically reduced 6 months after the procedure and remained low for 5 years after (see graph from the study below).

The procedure was found to be completely safe, with no complications during the surgery and no device erosion (something surgeons worried about upon its initial release) during the period. After 5 years, more than two-thirds of patients weren’t taking any PPIs or other acid reflux medications.

This study shows RefluxUK’s commitment to publishing its findings and improving healthcare for everyone suffering from reflux. We suggest this is due to careful patient selection (only those who absolutely need it), tailoring treatment individually, using our MDT structure and sharing decision making with patients. Good surgical outcomes are also only guaranteed in high-volume centres, and with RefluxUK being the centre with the largest number of reflux surgeries undertaken in the UK, our outcomes tend to be preferential against others.

Many people find it unbelievable that the average length of time that people had experienced symptoms prior to surgery was nearly 20 years and that they’d been taking PPIs for an average of 10. While in many their symptoms slowly deteriorated until they sought an operation, many others would undoubtedly have considered an anti-reflux operation earlier if they’d been offered one, which is a comment we see time and time again in our patients.

Regardless, these results confirm that for many people, LINX sphincter augmentation can achieve excellent results and should be available earlier and to many more suffering with reflux symptoms.

Read more about the LINX procedure and a more in-depth article on the study.

If you think you are suffering from reflux, the first step is getting in touch with our team to discuss how we might be able to help.

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