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The TIF® Procedure with RefluxUK

An endoscopic alternative for anti-reflux surgery

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The TIF® Procedure – another option to treat reflux

At RefluxUK, we offer bespoke treatment options for anyone suffering with reflux, GERD and reflux-associated issues. The treatments - lifestyle, medical or surgical – are based upon a patient’s symptoms and how reflux affects their life, diagnostic results and patient preference.

For this reason, we are now providing the TIF® procedure to patients who are eligible and would like an endoscopic alternative to anti-reflux surgery.

What is the TIF procedure?

Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication, or TIF, is an endoscopic procedure in which a fundoplication is performed without making any incisions into the abdomen. A device is inserted into the stomach, through the patient’s mouth, which uses a special stapling device to create the stomach ‘wrap’ that would normally occur during a traditional, laparoscopic fundoplication surgery. This improves the function of a weakened lower oesophageal sphincter and flap valve, which reduces reflux symptoms.

Read more on TIF
doctor using a stethoscope on a patient

Who is the procedure for?

  • Patients suffering from reflux who do not respond to anti-reflux medications, such as PPIs.
  • Patients who experience side effects from PPIs.
  • Patients who do not want to take anti-reflux medication for their whole lives.
  • Patients who would prefer an endoscopic procedure, rather than a laparoscopic one (such as Fundoplication, LINX® or RefluxStop™ )

This procedure is not recommended for any patient with a significant hiatus hernia.

This 2-minute video, provided and approved by Endogastric Solutions®, shows how the TIF®️ procedure is performed and how your reflux specialist can achieve a ‘fundoplication’ endoscopically.

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Am I eligible for this surgery?

To determine whether you would benefit from reflux surgery, we first need to meet you and then undertake some diagnostic tests. These tests will usually include a gastroscopy and impedance and manometry studies as a minimum. Of course, you may have had these tests already in which case we will not need to repeat them. These tests are very important as they will tell us whether reflux is the cause of your symptoms and also whether you are a good candidate for surgery. We need to have a high degree of confidence that surgery will remedy the cause of the symptoms you are experiencing.

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