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Fundoplication with RefluxUK

Leading Fundoplication Surgeons

Patient-Centred Care

Tailored Treatment Packages

Interest Free Pay Monthly Plans

Contact Us

We specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of reflux disease and its symptoms. Our specialist centre has several reflux surgeons around the UK who perform large numbers of fundoplications with outstanding outcomes.

Patients choose Fundoplication with RefluxUK because:

  • We are specialists in reflux - it's all that we do.
  • We work with the most experienced reflux surgeons in the UK.
  • We use a multi-disciplinary team to thoroughly assess your case.
  • We price our procedures to make them accessible to as many people as possible and now offer interest-free payment plans.
  • We offer a holistic approach with bespoke treatment packages, including long term aftercare.

What is Laparoscopic Fundoplication?

Fundoplication was the first anti-reflux surgery, established in the 1950s, and is now performed as a laparoscopic (keyhole) procedure. By wrapping the top of the stomach around the bottom of the food pipe, it creates a one-way valve to prevent stomach contents from ‘refluxing’ back up.

Read more here
doctor and patient with a model of a stomach

Why Choose Fundoplication with RefluxUK?

Evidence suggests that high volume centres and surgeons achieve better outcomes, regardless of the procedure concerned. Whilst it’s impossible to guarantee your outcome, at RefluxUK we can guarantee that you will have your procedure with a very experienced fundoplication surgeon. Due to the experience of our surgeons, nearly all fundoplications are performed as ‘day-case’ procedures, with patients able to go home the same day.

Our competitive starting price for a fundoplication procedure starts at £6,900 as an all-inclusive package (hospital fee, professional fees and one post-operative follow-up).

Read Mr Super's blog on fundoplications
Mr Paul Super
Our centres

Fundoplication is available at the following centres